Customer testimonials

Karl Heinz and Sabine sail with friends and guests to the most beautiful places in the world. Here you can read the personal impressions of the vacationers on JONATHAN as well as messages from the loyal audience of Meeresrauschen and Flaschenpost.

A pleasant sailing trip in distant waters

Now our adventure ‘Bahamas’, which, thanks to your care and foresight, wasn ’ t really an adventure but in reality a pleasant sailing trip in distant waters, is already more than a whole year behind us.

Your vivid reports, which wash ashore every month on the banks of the Spree with the message in a bottle, keep the memories of Jonathan alive.

For this, I wanted to take the opportunity in the new year 2024 to say Thank you!

Bon voyage!

I wish you and Sabine continued relaxation on your Jonathan and send warm regards.

Erik – Jannuary 2024

The Flaschenpost sweetens everyday life

Since I sailed in the San Blas Islands years ago, I’ve been receiving your Flaschenpost.

I want to let you know that your posts always take me out of my everyday life a bit, and I enjoy reading them very much. I wish you a great year 2024 with inspiring – or as one might say, with sailing – moments.

Hannes – Jannuary 2024

San Blas Islands – a highlight

The trip in Panama with you was full of unique experiences. Great snorkeling, unforgettable experiences with the indigenous people, and wildlife experiences in the jungle. The sailing area is fantastically beautiful with islands, sandy beaches, small island villages, …

Thank you Sabine and Carlos, it was sailing and living on board like with friends. Your new boat, Sabine’s empathetic cooking, visiting shamans (Nele) really impressed me. Above all, your social commitment is exemplary.

Would love to be in the Bahamas with you again!

Eva – 2023

Forging one’s own path

I’ve been soaking up your messages in a bottle for years, this time you hit the nail on the head, that dreams should be put into action, just as you do!

Everyone around us knows everything better or gives good advice, which are just blows… they can’t get their own act together anyway. I’m also taking this path of implementation, but the many distractions from other people often block one too much.

It was a great impetus from you to more clearly forge one’s own path and to say no more often to what doesn’t suit you!

Werner – May 2023

Unforgettable Bahamas Trip

Thanks to Sabine for the excellent cuisine! Thanks to Carlos for his superb local knowledge and the great snorkeling and diving!

Your boat is really S U P E R ! The deluxe equipment more than justified the price. Especially the kayaks and the SUP are great additions. Carlos, your cocktails deserve special praise! First class! Viennese iced coffee, ice-cold Daiquiris, Pain Killers are better with you than the original!!

Keep it up! We’re now considering San Blas, if you’re sailing to Cuba, count us in!

Roman – March 2023